Our Story
Noshi was born in 2015. I was a stay at home dad and my kids just weren't interested in mealtimes. They weren't picky eaters per se (they'd happily eat broccoli once I'd got them up to the table) but they - like most kids - didn't like being told what to do. Especially if they were over there playing with their toys, drawing with crayons or watching a show on their iPad.
I did a bit of research and discovered that the majority of food-related meltdowns are not caused by 'yucky' vegetables but by kids feeling powerless at mealtimes. You can offer your kid their favorite food in the world but if they're in the middle of something fun and you ask - or tell - them to stop and get up to the table? That's when the fireworks happen.
And the research all said the same thing: If you give your kids more responsibility in the preparation of their food, either in the kitchen or at the table, they're far more likely to eat it. They stop and think about what's gone into it - the effort and the ingredients - and they feel seen. They feel included. They feel trusted.
And there's a reason kids love condiments so much, too (apart from the fact that condiments are delicious, obv): It's the only time during a meal they're given anything to do themselves!
So I set out to grow a brand that was built around products specifically designed for use by kids. And the one constant, the one thing I've seen all the way through Noshi's evolution, is that Kids LOVE this approach. They just can't believe we've made stuff for them to use! Just for them!
And then of course it's delicious as well, so they love it even more.
We hope your kids love it too.
(Oh, and a question: Why has nobody done this before?)

I did a bit of research and discovered that the majority of food-related meltdowns are not caused by 'yucky' vegetables but by kids feeling powerless at mealtimes. You can offer your kid their favorite food in the world but if they're in the middle of something fun and you ask - or tell - them to stop and get up to the table? That's when the fireworks happen.
And the research all said the same thing: If you give your kids more responsibility in the preparation of their food, either in the kitchen or at the table, they're far more likely to eat it. They stop and think about what's gone into it - the effort and the ingredients - and they feel seen. They feel included. They feel trusted.
And there's a reason kids love condiments so much, too (apart from the fact that condiments are delicious, obv): It's the only time during a meal they're given anything to do themselves!
So I set out to grow a brand that was built around products specifically designed for use by kids. And the one constant, the one thing I've seen all the way through Noshi's evolution, is that Kids LOVE this approach. They just can't believe we've made stuff for them to use! Just for them!
And then of course it's delicious as well, so they love it even more.
We hope your kids love it too.
(Oh, and a question: Why has nobody done this before?)
then and now…
2013, as the idea for Noshi was forming in my head thanks to these two cheeky monkeys and their mealtime shenanigans
2023. Did I mention Noshi was on Shark Tank? And we got a deal from Mark Cuban!